
Hancock 2 movies 480p
Hancock 2 movies 480p

hancock 2 movies 480p

Screenshot of Youtube player allowing only 480p If this is a universal issue, I would be shocked that there isn't more talk about this, because as a consumer, I feel absolutely cheated that a movie that is advertised to me as "4k" is only available to me in 4k ON SPECIFIC HARDWARE. Obviously, I don't know if this is a universal issue, and there's only a few people that I've seen report this issue so far. At the very least, HD should be supported on any browser/device and COVID should no longer be an excuse as why I'm capped at 480p (since I would assume they would have increased their server capacity by now) So long story short, I'm out $25 watching a 480p movie due to, essentially, false advertising of "4k". I'm on Chrome and it's the only thing I got! I also did a little bit more digging and ended up on the google support page  which specifically states that it LIMITS HD to the safari browser along with some other devices. It's been over 2 years and people are still capped at 480p.

hancock 2 movies 480p

Basically, this was supposedly due to the start of COVID when there was an influx of streaming demand. Did a quick google search which brought me to this reddit thread. I thought maybe it's a glitch and there's probably a fix.

hancock 2 movies 480p

So I go search up No Way Home and there, right in front of me it says "4K" (Screenshot below). Little did I know, I can only watch it in 480p (Screenshot below). I figured, I'd buy it on Youtube since I don't want to create an account elsewhere. So I have never bought a movie before on Youtube (or any site for that matter), but tonight I really wanted to watch No Way Home.

Hancock 2 movies 480p